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Microeconomics 1 (Part B)


Andy Zapechelnyuk (Andy.Zapechelnyuk@ed.ac.uk)

Office: 31 Bucchleuch Place, Room 4.01 (top floor)

Office hours: TBA


No news at the moment.

Course Materials for Part B



Lecture Notes (from live lectures):

Homeworks and solutions:

Part B Outline

Part B consists of 9 lectures on (Week 6, Thursday afternoon; Weeks 7-10, Thursday morning and afternoon) and 4 weekly homeworks, due Tuesday 9am in the week following the assignment.


The overall course mark is based on two examinations, in December and in May. The full (100%) course mark is determined by either the December exam or the May exam marks, whichever is better. Part B of the course constitutes 50% of the mark of each exam. Homeworks are not included in the assessment.

The marking criteria are the same as for Part A of the course. Each question will be rated as no/almost/ok/good/excellent (i.e. 0 to 4) on the following learning outcomes:

Practice exams and solution guidelines are available here: