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Uploading instructions

If you would like to publish your web page on homepages.econ.ed.ac.uk, then you first need to get an account. Piotr or Andrew can set this up. Your web address will be http://homepages.econ.ed.ac.uk/~NAME. You can use your usual user name, or you can pick another one if you like.

Once you have your account, you just need to upload your files into your public_html directory. To do this, you need to enable the VPN and use the SFTP protocol. There are several programs that can do this, including Putty, Filezilla, and WinSCP. I recommend WinSCP because it does not require any system administrator access to install. These programs might ask for the following information:

  • Host name: homepages.econ.ed.ac.uk
  • Port number: 22
  • Protocol: sftp
  • Your username and password.
If it asks for other things, you can leave them out.